Wiersholm Cloud
Wiersholm Cloud is a secure solution for data storage and exchange of information.
Wiersholm LINK is the client portal to our digital legal services. By combining new platforms and digital tools with our experience, competence and commercial understanding, we develop new legal services, tailor-made to meet our clients' needs.
Wiersholm Cloud
Wiersholm Cloud is a secure solution for data storage and exchange of information.
Wiersholm Project
Wiersholm Project is a digital solution for the exchange and handling of data, ensuring better project flow.
Wiersholm Dispute Control
Wiersholm Dispute Control is a tailor-made data room giving client and lawyer a full overview of the dispute process.
Smart Templates
Smart Templates is our solution for automation of standard contracts, saving time and costs for our clients.
Whistleblower portal
Wiersholm’s whistleblower portal is a secure digital solution for handling alerts.
Innovation collaboration
In collaboration with our clients, we digitise and increase the efficiency of legal services.