Our whistleblower portal contributes to secure and efficient handling of alerts.

  • The solution is encrypted and accessible from any computer or mobile phone with internet connection.
  • The portal can be adapted to the client’s requirements in terms of visual profile and content.
  • The solution can be made accessible through a notification button on a website or intranet site. Wiersholm will assist in the technical set-up.
  • Through the system, whistleblowers can notify and communicate anonymously with Wiersholm’s lawyers.
  • Notifications are sent directly to Wiersholm and handled within 48 hours.
  • The solution is available both in Norwegian and English – the language choice is made by the whistleblower.
  • All undertakings are required to implement routines for secure handling of alerts, allowing employees to report censurable conditions at the work place. We have developed a simple and secure digital solution for receiving alerts that complies with security and anonymity requirements.

The whistleblower portal is available here.