We have developed Wiersholm Dispute Control to give our clients and lawyers a full overview of the dispute process.

To ensure control of documents, a seamless transfer of knowledge and the most efficient handling of legal processes, Wiersholm has for many years handled disputes in a uniform manner. Through Wiersholm Dispute Control, the clients are integrated in this way of working.

Wiersholm Dispute Control is a data room specially adapted to handle large as well as small disputes. Clients are given the same easy and clear access to case documents as the lawyers and can easily note important future events and deadlines that they have to relate to and plan for.

  • Overview: Clients are given easy access to all relevant documents.
  • Efficiency improvement: Clients do not have to spend time on setting up their own archives or searching for USB sticks, papers or e-mails.
  • Interaction: Both the client and the lawyer can ask questions and comment on evidence and claims in a clear and structured manner.
  • Risk minimisation: The case is given a private, secure site on Wiersholm’s encrypted digital platform. Here, all documentation in the case is collected in one place, and the site is set up with strict access control. Case documents are not shared in e-mails, stored locally or shared on USB sticks.
  • Team contact details: Contact details of everybody involved in the case, from the client and from Wiersholm.

Wiersholm Dispute Control is part of Wiersholm LINK, which is the client portal to our digital services.