Håkon is a specialist in competition law and heads Wiersholm’s team of lawyers practicing EU/competition law. He has extensive experience in handling complex competition cases, both from private practice and as the legal director of the Norwegian Competition Authority. In his practice as a lawyer, Håkon has handled some of the most high-profile merger cases in Norway. He has significant experience in dealing with cross-border mergers, and regularly represents clients in cases relating to cartel investigations and the possible abuse of market dominance vis-à-vis the Norwegian Competition Authority, the European Commission and the EFTA Surveillance Authority. In addition, Håkon also advises on EU/EEA law, matters relating to government subsidies and administrative law.
Chambers and Partners and Legal 500 have ranked Håkon as one of Norways most prominent competition law lawyers. In addition, he is ranked as an up-and-coming lawyer on competition law in the Norwegian Financial Daily’s annual lawyers survey.
Håkon is the co-author of the book Norsk Konskurranserett, Bind II Fusjonskontroll (Norwegian Competition Law, Volume II Merger Control).
Awards, Work experience, Memberships and Education
- Top 10, Advokatundersøkelsen, Finansavisen, EU / EEA and Competition law, 2024
- Leading Individuals, Legal 500, EU and Competition, 2024
- Band 1, Chambers Europe, Competition/Antitrust, 2024
- Next Generation Partners, Legal 500, EU and Competition, 2023
- Band 2, Chambers Europe, Competition/Antitrust, 2023
- Top 10, Advokatundersøkelsen, Finansavisen, Competition law, 2023
- Band 2, Chambers Europe, Competition/Antitrust, 2022
- Next Generation Partners, Legal 500, EU and competition, 2021
- Partner, Wiersholm, 2016
- Managing Associate, Wiersholm, 2013
- Legal Director, The Norwegian Competition Authority, 2010
- National Expert, The EFTA Surveillance Authority (Brussels), 2007
- Head of section, The Norwegian Competition Authority, 2006
- Advisor/Senior Advisor, The Norwegian Competition Authority, 2005
- Associate/Senior Associate, Ro Sommernes advokatfirma DA, 2002
- Leader, the Competition Law Reform Commission's secretariat, 2011, 2012
- External examiner, University of Bergen, 2007
- Postgraduate Diploma in Economics for Competition Law, King's College London, 2009
- Cand. Jur., University of Oslo, 2002
- LLM, King's College London, 2001