Norway Real Estate Legal Update 2024

In this newsletter our real estate team gives an overview of recently and upcoming legal changes and matters impacting the real estate sector in Norway. The topics are specially chosen with our foreign real estate clients in mind.

The newsletter covers the following topics:

1. The Ministry of Finance lowers the equity requirement in the lending regulation

From the end of 2024, amendments to the Norwegian bank lending regulation (Nw. Utlånsforskriften) will allow house borrowers to provide 10% equity when applying for a new residential mortgage loan, a reduction from the current 15% rule.

2. Proposed amendments to the Tenancy Act

The Tenancy Act Committee (Nw. husleielovutvalget) has submitted its final report on the proposed amendments to the Tenancy Act in respect of residential leases. The committee will not assess the regulations that apply to commercial leases.

3. Regulations relating to the register of beneficial owners

The requirement to register information about beneficial owners came into effect on 1 October 2024. This means that legal entities could begin registering ultimate beneficial owners as of 1 October 2024, with a mandatory registration requirement from 31 July 2025.

4. The Norwegian Mapping Authority to investigate property ownership in Norway

There is an increasing need to know who owns which property in Norway. At the end of November 2024, the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development tasked the Mapping Authority with conducting a concept selection study to facilitate secure registration, storage and sharing of information to ensure sufficient overview and control of property ownership.

5. Report on foreign investments in Norwegian entreprises

About a year ago, on 4 December 2023, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries received a report relating to a national assessment, and possible regulation, of foreign investments to safeguard national security interests. The consultative period ended in March 2024, but the Ministry has not yet proposed a draft bill.

6. Regulations relating to energy mapping

In Norway, the Energy Mapping Regulations came into effect on 1 October 2024. The Regulations require large enterprises to conduct energy mapping every four years.

7.  The CSRD has entered into force

The Norwegian legislation implementing the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) came into effect on 1 November 2024.  The new rules on sustainability reporting in the Accounting Act apply to large enterprises/groups and small and medium-sized listed enterprises, excluding micro-enterprises. The reporting obligation will be gradually introduced in Norway, following the same model as the CSRD.

New legal requirements concerning gender representation on corporate boards of directors came into effect on 1 January 2024. The requirements shall ensure gender balance on the boards of directors of medium-sized and large private companies with a requirement that each gender must be represented by at least 40%. The rules will be gradually implemented and the first deadline for compliance is 31 December 2024, which applies to companies that have a total operating and financial income exceeding NOK 100 million.


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