Wiersholm achieves record fundraising for TV-aksjonen

As one of Save the Children's main partners, Wiersholm has made an extra effort for TV-aksjonen NRK (TV campaign) this year.
It is set to be a record result for TV-aksjonen 2023, and Wiersholm has also set a fundraising record in the company’s history for the contribution to this year’s TV campaign and Save the Children.
In addition to a company donation, partners and employees have together donated through a separate collection – “Wiersholm-spleisen” – and along the way contributed to many creative fundraising activities, such as an internal auction and second-hand market. According to the TV-aksjonen’s donor relay, Wiersholm’s collection is the fifth largest contribution from the entire Oslo municipality. Wiersholm has also contributed to the business community’s “ringedugnad” and by carrying collection boxes for TV-aksjonen.
“Congratulations to Save the Children on a fantastic result! It’s wonderful with so much commitment, effort and generosity spirit from Wiersholm in this year’s TV-aksjonen,” comments Marketing and Communications Director Christine Liæker Lindberg.
This year’s TV-aksjonen goes to Save the Children’s work for children and families affected by war and conflict. The financial contribution goes, among other things, to finance schooling for children, family reunions, create safe play areas for children, as well as trauma treatment for former child soldiers and children with painful experiences.