Hans Kenneth Viga-Gerhardsen returns to Wiersholm

Hans Kenneth Viga-Gerhardsen is returning to Wiersholm after two years in the insurance industry. He will take up his new role as a partner in the firm on 1 January.
-I have been looking forward to this! After two good years in an insurance company, I am delighted to join the first-rate team and the cohesive and stimulating environment at Wiersholm. I am grateful and humble for the trust the partnership has shown me again, and I am highly motivated to take on interesting and rewarding client assignments, says Viga-Gerhardsen.
Viga-Gerhardsen is one of Norway’s leading experts in insurance and compensation law. He has more than 20 years of experience within his field, 17 of which are from Wiersholm. After two years as a lawyer in the liability damage department at Gjensidige Forsikring, he will now be back as a partner in the firm.
Strengthened competence and capacity in the insurance field
Viga-Gerhardsen has extensive experience within insurance law and compensation law, and he is an expert on auditor, directors’, and lawyers’ liability as well as insurance broker’s liability. He has previously led Wiersholm’s department for liability and insurance. He is ranked as a “leading individual in Insurance” by Legal 500 and has also for many years in a row topped Finansavisen’s ranking of the country’s best insurance lawyers. In addition, Viga-Gerhardsen is the author of several legal articles that have been referred to by the Supreme Court in their judgments on insurance law.
– With Hans Kenneth back on our team, Wiersholm’s competence and capacity in the insurance field is strengthened and extended. Hans Kenneth has a unique ability to understand the clients’ needs and goals, and he always provides solution-oriented advice. In addition to being an expert in his field, he is a highly inspirational colleague and a valuable asset for both the clients and for Wiersholm, says Morten Goller, Managing Partner at Wiersholm.
Viga-Gerhardsen will join the partnership on 1 January 2024.