Wiersholm holds a strong position in the market for all the ranked areas of expertise and, not entirely surprisingly, maintains its first-tier rating in all the corporate categories (Banking and Finance, Corporate and M&A, and Capital Markets).

International Financial Law Review (IFLR) is the publisher of one of the most recognised guides to the world’s leading lawyers. Wiersholm is one of the Norwegian law firms that are rated at the very top in this ranking, which is largely based on feedback from clients. Acknowledging that client satisfaction is something businesses must constantly seek to achieve and maintain, we work hard every day to ensure that we provide the best service possible to our clients. It is therefore pleasing that so many of our clients recognise our competence as legal advisers.

One of the traditional leading players in the Norwegian market, Wiersholm continues to stand out as one of the top performers in Oslo across the full range of financial and corporate work.

IFLR1000 2017