Pride – To love is a human right

As an employer, we want to create an environment where everyone can be themselves at work. To love is a human right. That is why we mark Pride and celebrate the diversity of love together with our fellow human beings in the legal profession, business and society at large.

According to Amnesty International, homosexuality is criminalised in 64 countries around the world, and in some of these countries people risk being sentenced to death simply for falling in love with a person of the same sex. Although male homosexuality was decriminalised in Norway in 1972, we still have a long way to go when it comes to changing normative attitudes. We live in a country where most people – unconsciously – assume that everyone is heterosexual (also called heteronormativity) until proven otherwise. People who define themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) have to “come out of the closet” repeatedly in the face of heteronormative attitudes.

Many feel they cannot be completely open about their identity in the workplace. According to the report “Seksuell orientering, kjønnsmangfold og levekår” (Sexual orientation, gender diversity and living conditions) published by Bufdir, more gay and bisexual men and women than heterosexuals observe negative behaviour and attitudes towards lesbians, gays and bisexuals in the workplace. The same report shows that bisexuals are less likely than others to perceive the workplace as inclusive, and that transgender people experience more discrimination at work and in job searches than others.

Openness and visibility reveal knowledge gaps and prejudices, and create more tolerance. This is one of the most important reasons why Wiersholm marks Pride – and why we support Amnesty’s work for diversity and love by buying rainbow bracelets for all our employees. Everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, gender expression or gender identity, should be able to live safe lives free from discrimination.

We encourage all clients, partners and the legal industry to show support for Pride and help change attitudes.