Lise works with translations, proofreading and text editing, in addition to transcription of witness statements, document handling and other administrative tasks.
Awards, Work experience, Memberships and Education
- Translator, Wiersholm, 2017
- Legal Secretary, Wiersholm, 2015
- Commercial supervisor, Pon Power AS, 2010
- Assistant Manager, SATS, 2008
- Administrator; Economy and personnel, Assessio Norge AS, 2004
- Excursion guide, Thomas Cook Northern Europe, 2001
- Member of the Election Committee, Wiershom, 2016 – 2022
- Board member, Wiersholm, 2018 – 2020
- Spanish, Advanced level II, Estudio Internacional Sampere, 1999
- Basic course, social anthropology, Stockholm University, 1998
- Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology, Stockholm University, 1997
- Diploma in Ancient Culture and Society, Stockholm University, 1996