Legal 500, 2021

Work experience

Professor II, BI Norwegian Business School, 2015

Editor, ”Arbeidsrett", Universitetsforlaget, 2004

Main editor, EasyFind Arbeidsrett, 1999

Partner, Wiersholm, 1994

Senior Associate, Wiersholm, 1993

Lawyer, The Attorney General (Civil Affairs), 1988

Examiner, The Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, 1988

Research Assistant, The Department of Public Law, University of Oslo, 1986


Executive Education, Leadership in Lawfirms, Harvard Law School, 2014

Ph.D, Aarhus University, 2007

Cand. jur., University of Oslo, 1988

Memberships / Posts

Chairman, the Legislative Committee for Labor Law, the Norwegian Bar Association, 2012 - 2018

Board member, the contractor company Leonhard Nilsen & Sønner, 2013 - 2016

Chairman, Wiersholm, 2010 - 2014

Member, the Norwegian local board for the Nordic Jurist Meeting, 1999 - 2014

Chairman, Expert committee in Labor Law, JUS, 2009 - 2013

Chairman, Appeal board for Environmental Information, 2004 - 2008

Board member, the Court Administration, 2004 - 2006

Board member, the energy company SN Power, 2005 - 2006

Board member, Wiersholm, 2001 - 2004

Chairman, Appeal board for contributions to treatment abroad, 1999 - 2004

Member, Anti-Discrimination Tribunal, 1999 - 2003

Board member, the Promotion of Norwegian Pharmacy Foundation, 2001 - 2003

Chairman, Employment Tenancy Committee, 1999 - 2000

Chairman, Norwegian forum for health law, 1998 - 2000

Member, the Legislative Committee appointed by the Government for revision of the rules on the working environment and employment letting, 1998

Separately appointed state representative, the National Salary Board, 1993

Board member, The Liquidation Board – Company for immigrant and refugee housing, 1991 - 1993

Board member, The Liquidation Board – Refugee Housing Foundation, 1992

Board member, The Liquidation Board – Lånekassen's grant for refugees, 1992

Member, Sarpsborg city council, 1983 - 1986

Board member, dCompany, 2021

Board member, Viggo Hagstrøm's Foundation, 2013

Board member, Wiersholm, 2018

Member, the government-appointed state company committee that proposed the State Companies Act,

Chairman, Fougner-committee, NOU 2021:9,

Honours and awards

Star Individuals, Chambers Europe, Employment, 2024

Hall of Fame , Legal 500, Employment, 2024

Hall of Fame , Legal 500, Regulatory, Compliance and Investigations , 2024

Hall of Fame, Legal 500, 2023

Leading individuals, Legal 500, Regulatory, Compliance and Investigatons, 2023

Star Individuals, Chambers Europe, Employment, 2023

Topp 10, Advokatundersøkelsen, Finansavisen, Investigations and compliance, 2023

Topp 10, Advokatundersøkelsen, Finansavisen, Employment Law, 2023

Band 1, Chambers Europe , Corporate Compliance & Investigations , 2022

Star Individuals , Chambers Europe , Employment , 2022

Hall of Fame , Legal 500 , Employment , 2022

Band 1, Chambers Europe, Corporate Compliance & Investigations - Norway, 2021

Star Individual, Chambers Europe, Employment - Norway, 2021

Hall of Fame, Legal 500, Employment, 2021

Star Individual, Chambers Europe, Employment - Norway, 2020

Band 1, Chambers Europe, Compliance - Norway, 2020

Hall of Fame, Legal 500, Employment, 2020