A unique culture of collaboration

Wiersholm represents a fusion of the industry’s most distinguished legal expertise, complemented by commercial acumen and industry knowledge. We use our professional insights and experience to tackle complex and demanding tasks effectively.  Over time, we’ve built a strong culture of teamwork across different disciplines within our firm. Our constant goal is to find the best solutions for our clients.

Trust is a key part of our team culture. We believe in each other’s skills and integrity, knowing that everyone is doing their best every day. We maintain an open-door policy across all levels and groups within our firm. We listen to each other, respect differing viewpoints, and provide constructive feedback. This way, we keep learning and improving – in our understanding of law, our knowledge of each other, and our self-awareness.

We continually advance this culture of collaboration. Over many years, we have expanded the firm with expertise beyond the legal field. In addition to lawyers, our team today consists of business and client development, IT and operations, communication and marketing consulting, design, service center, language expertise, project support, HR, finance, and administration, all contributing to the development of the firm and the services we deliver to our clients.