
Wiersholm AI (AIWI)

Added value for clients, and for us as a company
The advent of artificial intelligence gives us the opportunity to work smarter and become even better at what we are good at. That is why we want to use AI for simple and repetitive everyday tasks, so that we can channel our expertise and resources into strategic and creative tasks.

Strategic partnership
Wiersholm has therefore entered into a new strategic partnership with the AI company Newcode. The collaboration gives us first-hand access to advanced AI solutions and puts us in the driver’s seat of the development of AI in the legal industry.

Special adaptation of the AI solution
The combination of Wiersholm’s solid legal expertise and Newcode’s leading AI competence creates a strong team well suited to develop tailor-made solutions adapted to the lawyers’ working day. New functionality is rolled out continuously.

Security for the clients
Our AI platform is delivered within our own infrastructure, which improves the security of sensitive data handling. Knowing that their data is handled at the highest level of security gives clients peace of mind.
We streamline necessary
and time-consuming tasks
Process related to timeline and summary of facts in connection with disputes
DD reports (e.g. text improvement, concretisation of findings, etc.)
Drafting and reviewing contracts etc..